Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Pin Prick And Social Unrest

The growing social unrest of the 99% (in America) and 147% (Russia) and protests in other parts of the world is a symptom of a failed social structure. No modern ideal concerning the social body of the world will save the unrest; not improved capitalism, not communism, not socialism, or democracy or even monarchy can ease the unrest of the social body. The "pin prick" in the structure at large is precisely the walls and barriers separating all masses of people.

The idea of a "one nation" with a common cause will heal this "pin prick". This common cause is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam in the first verse and aphorism of the Vedanta philosophy, janmady asya yatah (Srimad-bhagavatam 1.1.1) and establishes the ideal of the common cause.

The disparity of the current human social structures is that they have become Godless and lack any principles to fill their needs. Every single human being in the social structures at large have been trained and encouraged by the past failed social structures of Monarchy, Capitalism, Democracy, Communism and even the social influences of religions like Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Bhuddism.

The world society has been encouraged to compete with each other to become "the Lord of all I survey"; to dominate and manipulate the weaker citizens, and to create their personal and unique identity in geographical limits. This is actually the natural inclination of the human living being, but if the "why" is not understood and the principles to harness this tendency are not in place, then chaos and social unrest will rain, as we see is the situation in the world today.

Every living entity in all of civilization (and even the animal kingdom) is made of energy and is encased in a particular body according to their particular flavor of inclination to dominate. That certain spirit energy is identified in the Srimad-Bhagavatam as Bhraman (or the soul) and the body is only a material manifestation. The body does not work unless the spirit soul is present. A "body" does not work with out the spirit soul because the body is only made of matter (blood, bone, flesh, and bile) and the spirit is the actual source of function in the body. It is with this knowledge that one can begin to understand how to amend the social unrest of the world and create a peaceful structure and environment for the social body.

The citizens in this material world misidentify themselves in that they think that they ARE their bodies. But just like an airplane does not run by itself, there is a pilot who operates it, similarly the spirit soul operates the body. The citizen thinks "I am American", or "I am Chinese", or "I am a Black man", "a White man", "I am Bhuddist", "I am Christian". But these are false identities and false designations that create the very walls and barriers that separate the masses of people from their natural, boarder-less, peaceful, united, common cause. The words used in the Srimad-Bhagavatam are "AHM BRAMASMI", or "I AM PURE SPIRIT SOUL".

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