Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Paleo Diet & Darwin's Stolen Theory of Evolution

Gadadhara Das: It is baffling to see how thin the research of Walter L. Voegtlin was, the man who started the idea of eating "meat" to get healthy ("The Paleo Diet"). The idea behind the diet is that man at one time was a "caveman" and hunted according to where he lived and therefore some how he was more healthy. And some how that "cave man" evolved into an intelligent human being because of his "so called" healthy eating habits. There are so many holes in his research, but the most striking is his assumption that we humans were even cave men at all. Not to say that there were not cave men, even in todays world you can find them, the play foot ball for a living! But seriously, there is so much evidence that man is much much older than 10,000 years. The Vedas (Ancient texts) of India tell of ancient civilizations that were far more advanced in technology then is available in our world today.  Check out Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race  .  Of coarse the whole basis of The Paleo Diet comes out of the "theory" that we evolved from apes. There is no bases for this idea. It has actually never been proven even by so called modern science.

Modern archeologist would be much benefited to know a simple concept that their "imperfect senses" are not able to create "perfect instruments" to test these time tables and recreate even facial and bone structures for man to look like the so called ape-cave-people. There is far more factual evidence that point to highly intelligent human beings from over hundreds of thousands of years ago who ate a diet of vegetables, grains, seeds, and milk products: these are the type of people who created advanced technology like the atom bomb or air planes (thousands of years before the modern scientist even thought of it).

Check out the book Forbidden Archology, he shows much evidence for humans existing for billions of years. There is much more evidence that suggests that instead of man evolving from apes, man is devolving into animal life. Just a practical example is modern language; ebonics, the loss of important and meaningful words, intellectual power. The movie "idiocracy" (2006) is a sad but true account of the way civilization is headed.

Edson Bobadilla: Gadadhara Das haha, seriously? I am pretty sure the theory of evolution is as solid as understanding how to dial 911. I am not so sure you fully understand its relevance to human evolution as primate. You did not evolve yesterday. It's a process that takes millions of years. Also, language and the fact that we are slaves to a social system doesn't coincide with intellect.

Gadadhara Das: ‎@Edson Bobadilla: Thanks for reading my comment. :)  Understanding how to dial 911 is a "factual" understanding, not a "theoretical" understanding. A theory is not a fact. A Theory is only "an analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another." Those facts when put together may not always constitute a whole fact. Theories that have been proven wrong include : Spontaneous Generation Theory, Laplacian Evolution, The Age of The Earth, and Aristotle's Theory of Dynamic Motion.

When you realize that the soul and the body are not the same, then Darwin's theory of Evolution is shot to the ground. The body DOES change, or "evolve" (if you will) in a life time. It is a completely different body. For instance, you do not have the same body that you had when you were a small child, but you are the same person. Darwin's theory of evolving from Apes doesn't hold up because there is no consideration of tracing out the soul's role in the evolution. But a human evolving from a Child to a Man does hold up. It holds up as "fact". It is a very easy concept and can be easily understood by looking at some photos of yourself when you were a child.

The whole social system is based on this theory that "you" are "the body" and its no coincidence that Darwin's theory is the apex of modern thinking. But where do we find that the body and the soul are the same? What makes a dead body a "dead body"? The logical explanation of a Dead Body is that there is no "soul" in it to make it "alive". Life comes from "life". Life doesn't come from "dead matter" as Darwin's "theory" suggests. The body is only made of organic matter; certain compounds put in a complex manner together. So why cant the modern scientist create a "living" body out of "dead matter"? They have all the compounds and matter. They have all the elements. Everything is available to them. But they can not create "life" or anything that can "grow". Anything that they can manipulate has already been living at one time. Darwin's "theory" says that man evolved from Apes, but if this is so, where did the Apes come from? And another question is "Why are there still Apes?" if we evolved from them? Even the "theory" of "natural selection" with in the "evolution" theory is very thin on information. How does the nature "work" on selecting the "fit" to "survive" and then "evolve"? Where do the superior "skills" of the evolving animal come from? Where does the superior "intelligence" come from? These things are not explained by Darwin and his theory.

Darwin actually got a vuage idea for his "theory" of evolution from the Vedic idea of evolution. But only part of the whole information. The Vedas state that there is an evolution of the soul from one body to another, just like I mentioned that a Child evolves into an Old Man in a life time. In the second chapter of the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is Macmillan ed. 1972, it is stated: "As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death". And in the 15th Chapter "The living entity in the material world carries his different conceptions of life from one body to another as the air carries aromas." I recommend reading "Life Comes From Life" available here: . Also check out Forbidden Archology if you are interested in archeological history.

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