Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Tip For Ahmadinejad, Who Slams The Jewish State

By Gadadhara das. Berkeley, CA

A Tip For Ahmadinejad, Who Slams The Jewish State

All the problems of the world come down to one factor. Its the "IAM FACTOR" the idea that I AM Muslim, I AM Christian, I am American, I am a man, I am a woman, I am a business man, I am a politician, I am poor, I am rich, I am gay, I am straight, i am Hindu, I am a Jew. The I AM factor is insanity.

The IAM factor is only applicable to this sentence "I AM NOT THIS BODY, I AM THE SOUL THAT RUNS THIS BODY". As long as the people think that they are their body and they identify with these IAM bodily designations, there can never be harmony in the world.

John Lennon wrote, Imagine "no religion too", and who can blame him. Religions invoke Godless people who divide instead of unify. Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, "Sarva Dharman Parityajya Mam Ekam Shranam Vraja” He says, Abandon all varieties of these religions and surrender on to Me. I will help you do not fear. Krishna says just give up these different religions or dharmas and just surrender on to Him and he will give you everything you need. And this is not a Hindu idea. This is a fact, the animals do not go to school, they dont go to church, they don't need money. Krishna takes care of EVERYTHING for them and Krishna takes care of everything for the human being as well.

The ruler of a Country has a great responsibly to see that the country's citizens are taken care of; that they are advancing away from an animal existence and that Absolute knowledge is available to them. The Vedas enjoin that there are four classes of men or Varnas and ALL men fall into one of these categories: the Bhramana or priestly people, the Kasatrya or warriors, the Vaisha or Business Administration class, and the Sudra or worker class of men. These four classes of men working together constitute the entire harmonic function of the society. The Bhramanas are the head, the Kasatrya's are the arms, the Vaishas are the thighs, and the Sudras are the whole legs. In this way the entire body of Varnas work together to create peace in the world. And what is that peace? It is state "Krishnas Tu Bhavan Svaiam" Krishna is the cause of all causes and He is the proprietor of everything, therefore if there is any chance of peace the entire Varna system must work together to satisfy the Supreme Person. Just as when one must satisfy his hunger, his arms and hands take up food and put it into the mouth which leads it to the stomach. In this way the whole body is satisfied. But the hand can not feed itself, it must put the food into the mouth. The thighs and the legs must carry the whole body and the head must be able to distinguish whether or not the food is suitable to eat. If there is any chance at peace in the world, this Varnashram Dharma system must be established. Ahmadinejad must develop this system or he is a failed leader.

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