Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
And Ten Years After, Another Rascal Will Come
Oct 14, 2010 — MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA (SUN) — Below is the last part of one Srimad Bhagavatam lecture given by Srila Prabhupada on how Vedic knowledge is received. It is NEVER changed down through time, otherwise it loses its inherent authority. Some present day so-called followers of Srila Prabhupada think otherwise, and therefore what they produce is flawed from the inception of their endeavors. Hare Krishna
Srila Prabhupada’s Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam
Los Angeles, September 20, 1972
Now we have to accept knowledge from Vedas, Vedic knowledge, not this rascal’s knowledge. Rascal knowledge is that “Yes,” as soon as he comes to the imperfect point, “yes, we are trying.” You are trying. What is this trying? Trying means that your knowledge is imperfect. And another rascal will come, he will say, “Now here is the perfect.”
And ten years after, another rascal will come,” No, this is not perfect. This is perfect.” This is going on. This is called scientific advancement. This is… Advancement means… But we don’t change our Vedic knowledge. We do not say, “Now, Krishna, five thousand years ago, said like this. Now we are advanced. We change this line.” Of course, others are doing. In the scriptures… Just like the Christians, they are changing the words.
But you cannot do that. Then where is the authority? If you change the word of the scripture, then where is the authority of the scripture? Just like in lawbooks, there is some law made already. Whimsically you cannot, I mean to say, erase the words and put something that “It should be changed like this.” That will not be accepted. Law, if there is change… Actually, there is no change.
There cannot be change. Real law means there is no change. Just like day and night, it is coming. The fortnight, the dark period and the light period, it is coming for millions and millions and time immemorial. The same law is going, going on. You cannot change. So as soon as you change, that means it is imperfect.
You change. So Vedic laws are not like that. You cannot change. Five thousand years ago Krishna said, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: “You give up all other religious principles. Simply surrender unto Me.” We are preaching the same thing. No change. No change. There is no possibility of change.
Then how Krishna is authority? So change means imperfect knowledge. This very change. And perfect knowledge… You will find that one who is very experienced medical practitioner, he gives you a prescription, and you visit him again and again, he gives you the same prescription unless you are cured. His prescription is so nice that he doesn’t change.
But a non-experienced physician, every time you go, he will change the prescription. But actually, those who are experienced, he knows “This is the disease, and ultimately this medicine will cure. So let him repeat that medicine.” So our is that platform. Harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam. We repeat only.
We don’t change: “Now harinama is not curing so let me add, instead of Hare Krishna, ‘John Krishna,’ if I may.” No. No “John Krishna.” (laughter) That same Hare Krishna must be repeated. And you will be cured. So change means imperfect knowledge. No change means that is perfect knowledge. So we follow that no change policy. No, not that because I think I have become now advanced, I change this to that. That mean I am not advanced. My knowledge is imperfect. Therefore I am changing.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Singularity controlled by laws of nature
FROM Hansadutta.com: Singularity controlled by laws of nature
excerpt from Renunciation Through Wisdom
Nature's laws undefeated
excerpt from Renunciation Through Wisdom
Millennia ago the Bhagavad-gita comprehensively discussed the same topic the editor of Amrita Bazar Patrika writes about in a despondent mood: "If one kind of trouble goes, another quickly follows." In the Gita (7.14) Lord Krishna says, "This divine energy of mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome." The Sanskrit words daivi maya used here can be translated into modern terms as "nature's law." This natural law is so stringent that it is impossible to overcome it, in spite of our prolific articles in the newspapers or our big conferences tabling motions that run into volumes. Our advanced technological and scientific efforts aimed at protecting us from the clutches of nature's law are futile because they are all controlled by the very same nature's law, or daivi maya. Therefore trying to utilize mundane science to overpower nature's law is like creating a Frankenstein. Efforts to extirpate human suffering through advanced technology and bring about lasting happiness have brought us to the Atomic Age. Western thinkers have become gravely concerned about the extent of destruction an atomic explosion can cause. Some leaders are trying to calm the alarm with platitudes about how atomic energy is to be used solely for peaceful purposes, but this is another form of deception caused by daivi maya, or nature's law.
The Invention of Religion

There are so many religions! Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and on and on and on.
Dictionary.com gives these two definitions:
1.a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2.a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
Religion is based on some interpretation of laws that man should follow. These laws "govern human affairs". But religion doesn't necessarily have anything to do with God in a practical sense. Lets take an example of the government. The government creates laws for its citizens to follow. Following these laws are the "religion" of the government's citizens. But the government doesn't always know what is good for the people. So the laws are always changing. One day its illegal to smoke pot, the next day its legal. There is always some unrest and fighting over what should be the law.
Nonetheless, if you break these laws while they are set, everyone agrees that you have to pay a price. You will get a fine or go to jail. In this case how could there be different "religions" for the government's citizens? There can not! There would be a huge conflict. If everyone had a different religion in following their government there would be simply complete chaos and fighting! There simply can not be different conflicting laws for a government's citizens at one time.
And for this reason Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, 18.66 that one should give up these different religions. They are useless. There is no need for a man made religion. The idea of religion comes from the word dharma. But it has a different meaning. Dharma is not religion. Dharma is the natural tendency to serve and become happy with that service. Dharma is a characteristic, like sugar. The characteristic of sugar is "sweet". The characteristic of Salt is "salty". The only way for one to stop hunger is if the hand to puts food into the mouth. The hand can not feed itself and expect the stomach to be happy. The hand must put the food into the mouth and then it goes to the stomach. This is a law for the body. It is the dharma or characteristic of all of the parts of the body to obey the orders of the brain. The brain gets a hunger signal then immediately the rest of the body facilitates the needs of the stomach. This is how the entire body works. This is the characteristic of the body
This idea of happiness in service is illustrated everywhere. Man knows that he will have to perform some kind of service in order to get what he wants and he is always engaged in some service. What the man "wants" will not necessarily bring him happiness, but the idea of serving to get something is a fundamental law. The masses of people in all walks of life are serving some person. The worker services his boss, the husband serves his wife, the wife serves her husband, the parent serves the child, the child serves his parents, the tenant serves his land lord, the land lord serves his government by paying taxes, the government serves the people and so on. The people receiving the service, they are like Gods. The the Boss is God to the worker, until of coarse the worker is off work then the God changes to someone else; the girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife or the child or someone. But this principle is always there. Someone is serving some God to get something in return.
The intelligent man will search for the richest man to work for because he knows that this rich man will have the money to pay him. And if the intelligent man befriends the rich man, there are so many benefits. It is stated in the Vedas that one should seek out richest, the most powerful, the most famous, the most beautiful, the greatest in knowledge, and the greatest renouncer. One should seek out this person and serve him and by doing so he will receive confidential knowledge. Just like if one knows the Mayor of the city, there are may perks. He tell you what not to do and what to do to get what you need in the city. He will tell you because you know him and hes your friend. This type of knowledge is confidential. It is stated in the Srimad-bhagavatam, "jñānaṁ parama-guhyaṁ me..." "The knowledge of the self and the Supreme Self is very confidential and mysterious, being veiled by māyā (illusion), but such knowledge and specific realization can be understood if it is explained by the Lord Himself."
Saturday, October 16, 2010
A Tip For Ahmadinejad, Who Slams The Jewish State
By Gadadhara das. Berkeley, CA
A Tip For Ahmadinejad, Who Slams The Jewish State
All the problems of the world come down to one factor. Its the "IAM FACTOR" the idea that I AM Muslim, I AM Christian, I am American, I am a man, I am a woman, I am a business man, I am a politician, I am poor, I am rich, I am gay, I am straight, i am Hindu, I am a Jew. The I AM factor is insanity.
The IAM factor is only applicable to this sentence "I AM NOT THIS BODY, I AM THE SOUL THAT RUNS THIS BODY". As long as the people think that they are their body and they identify with these IAM bodily designations, there can never be harmony in the world.
John Lennon wrote, Imagine "no religion too", and who can blame him. Religions invoke Godless people who divide instead of unify. Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, "Sarva Dharman Parityajya Mam Ekam Shranam Vraja” He says, Abandon all varieties of these religions and surrender on to Me. I will help you do not fear. Krishna says just give up these different religions or dharmas and just surrender on to Him and he will give you everything you need. And this is not a Hindu idea. This is a fact, the animals do not go to school, they dont go to church, they don't need money. Krishna takes care of EVERYTHING for them and Krishna takes care of everything for the human being as well.
The ruler of a Country has a great responsibly to see that the country's citizens are taken care of; that they are advancing away from an animal existence and that Absolute knowledge is available to them. The Vedas enjoin that there are four classes of men or Varnas and ALL men fall into one of these categories: the Bhramana or priestly people, the Kasatrya or warriors, the Vaisha or Business Administration class, and the Sudra or worker class of men. These four classes of men working together constitute the entire harmonic function of the society. The Bhramanas are the head, the Kasatrya's are the arms, the Vaishas are the thighs, and the Sudras are the whole legs. In this way the entire body of Varnas work together to create peace in the world. And what is that peace? It is state "Krishnas Tu Bhavan Svaiam" Krishna is the cause of all causes and He is the proprietor of everything, therefore if there is any chance of peace the entire Varna system must work together to satisfy the Supreme Person. Just as when one must satisfy his hunger, his arms and hands take up food and put it into the mouth which leads it to the stomach. In this way the whole body is satisfied. But the hand can not feed itself, it must put the food into the mouth. The thighs and the legs must carry the whole body and the head must be able to distinguish whether or not the food is suitable to eat. If there is any chance at peace in the world, this Varnashram Dharma system must be established. Ahmadinejad must develop this system or he is a failed leader.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Pull The Pulg! Filling Dead Heads With Garbage
By Gadadhara das
From the New York Times comes:
"Aiming to Learn as We Do, a Machine Teaches Itself"
"The computer was primed by the researchers with some basic knowledge in various categories and set loose on the Web with a mission to teach itself."
Claire L. Evans posts at Scienceblogs.com that the idea is "wonderful-terrifying"
What has modern science done for us in the past 2000 years? What will a learning computer NELL accomplish? With porn on the increase at 755,000,000 websites, airheads like Sarah Palin writing , ball bouncers writing about sex , how to eat a cup cake? , how to sleep , how to fight , is there anything to learn that we dont already know? In just 10 years time this NELL computer will be just a computer filled with useless garbage. It will be filled with things that the animals do naturally. The raccoon for instance. The raccoon lives outside and gets along nicely with no internet and no school. He already knows how to have sex, how to eat a cup cake, how to sleep well, and how to put up a good fight; no school, no internet, no politicians, no religion.
What we need is a computer that can figure out how to stop birth, death, disease and old age. But a computer will never figure this out unless some "person" relates this information to it. So what is the use of NELL? No use! It is simply a garbage machine that recycles useless garbage information. They are training it to learn from people who are only concerned with eating, sleeping, sex, and fighting. So NELL will only learn all language and emotions concerned with these four things and those who want to gain information from it later will only retrieve the same information. What a waste of money. What a waste of time! Pull the pug!
Since modern scientist began speculating, nothing has been accomplished in terms of man's real problem. Science only advances our in better eating, sleeping, mating, and fighting. But the animals are the best teachers of this. They out do humans 100 to zero at eating, sleeping, sex, and fighting. Man's real problem is that he gets born, that he gets diseased, grows old, and then he must die.
The first mistake that the modern scientist has made is that they have concluded that life comes from a combination of chemicals. They continue to try to create life. They fail every time. Why? This is a false premise. Can the scientist create even a basic non living product like milk? The cow makes milk just by eating grass; it never went to school; never had lessons on sex, never learned how to eat a cup cake, cant fight like Bruce Lee, and never watched any videos on sleeping or ever turned on a computer. Why is it that the cow can turn their red blood stream into white milk instantly, but the modern scientist can not? There are so many instances like this in nature that the scientist can not replicate, and the ones that they are able to replicate cost millions of dollars and years to formulate.
Life has always come from life, it has never come from mater. The scientist will go on perpetually fooling the masses and taking their money will false promises of advancement. But the intelligent man will ask, "who am I, where did I come from, and where am I going?" Science has no answers because they are blind. Their knowledge is not absolute or conclusive. One scientist will come up with one theory and it will be accepted, but 20 years later another scientist will come up with another theory and prove him wrong. The modern scientist is just a bluffer who actually doesn't know anything, simply speculation and more speculation!
Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, "sattvāt sañjāyate jñānaṁ rajaso lobha eva ca" "From the mode of goodness, real knowledge develops; from the mode of passion, grief develops; and from the mode of ignorance, foolishness, madness and illusion develop." Every man is born ignorant and must be taught by some person how to do the basics like communicating, walking, reading, writing. So the modern scientist learns the basics just like the animals. But because the scientist remains in the mode of ignorance of the real problems of life, only "foolishness, madness and illusion" take place in the world. The only Real knowledge is knowledge that will free man from being born, getting diseased, becoming old, and dieing. The sincere scientist who maybe concerned with stopping these four things will look into the Vedic understanding. There is a remedy for stopping these four things. The Vedas explain how to get out of this perpetual cycle. The life of a scientist remains useless unless he address these four things. What is the use of your life if you just die in 70 years? Will you remember your theories? Can you bring them with you at death? You may formulate some theories, but they are just garbage in some computer like NELL when you are dead.
The Provider of Communication? United States Army Aims, Shoots, & Misses!
By Gadadhara das
We all know the United States Army is probably one of, if not the, most powerful military defenses in the world and we know they are well capable of hitting a target RIGHT ON; but when it comes to missing the point Army Live blog writer ashmccall has shot and missed. September 29th's entry is called The "Provider" of Communication is a quick little entry sketch of a group of soldiers at CAMP MARMAL in Afghanistan that manages the communication with the rest of the Army in that area. But refering to them as "The Provider"? Hardly!
As with any product that a company manufactures, credit is always given to the Chief Executive Officer. Take for instance, the ipod. Everyone knows, the ipod is the product by which all credit goes to Steve Jobs. All the activities of the Apple Corporation; the credit is given to the Supreme Apple Controller Steve Jobs. He makes things happen. He started it, it was his idea, and he sells it to the public. The public thinks "Steve Jobs! Yes it must be good!" Apple would be nothing with out Steve Jobs. What happened when Jobs got sick back in 2008/09? Yep, thats right! Apple stock fell 5%!
The US Army is organized, put together, and produced by none other than The Commander In Chief himself; President Barak Obama. All operations can be thought of in this way. You name it, it happens because of some person. So naturally President Obama takes credit for Providing the communication at Camp Marmal. Every product, whether it be an Army, an iphone, or even a country. For the United States of America, the Supreme American at this moment in history is Obama.
The founding fathers of the United States knew this point, that every one in the United States must have a leader to look to, a president. The President of the United States. Even in other types of government, even in Communism. The Communists have a Steve Jobs too. For the Communists it is Marx!
Krishna says when He is right on the battlefield reciting the Bhagavad-gita 10.8 that, "ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavo, mattaḥ sarvaṁ pravartate"; " Iam the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who know this perfectly engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts." And again in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB1.1.1) it is stated, "janmādy asya yataḥ"happening is happening by His direction. Just like everything in the Army is going on by Obama's direction, everything at Apple is going on by Steve Jobs direction, and so everything in the entire Universe is going on by a Supreme Person's direction. There is a famous philosopher's saying that "not a blade of grass moves with out the sanction of God". With this being said, who is the real Provider of Communication at Camp Marmal? Who is the real provider for the communication at Apple? Who is the real provider for the communication in the whole Army? "Isvara Parama Krishna" which means in English The Supreme Provider is Krishna or the Supreme Personality and that everything is emanating from this Supreme Person. Its logical, its authoritative, it can not be refuted!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Ultimate Weapon
The Ultimate Weapon
A number of the followers of Shree Gaursundar were celebates and sannyasins, while many others were married persons with children and occupations. They form a congregation of worshippers and meet together for chanting the sankirtan of Krishna and discoursing to one another regarding Krishna. Their conduct is, however, by no means popular, although the personal influence of Shree Gaursundar and His associates is nevertheless marvelous. But the Pastimes remain practically confined to those persons who are subsequently identified with the corresponding . . .(more)
A number of the followers of Shree Gaursundar were celebates and sannyasins, while many others were married persons with children and occupations. They form a congregation of worshippers and meet together for chanting the sankirtan of Krishna and discoursing to one another regarding Krishna. Their conduct is, however, by no means popular, although the personal influence of Shree Gaursundar and His associates is nevertheless marvelous. But the Pastimes remain practically confined to those persons who are subsequently identified with the corresponding . . .(more)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Dealing with Celebrity
Dealing with Celebrity
Paxman quizzes Russell Brand on the cult of celebrity:
JEREMY PAXMAN: I've never interviewed anyone who is quite as animated when speaking as you are. Do you ever worry that you're going to burn out?
RUSSELL BRAND: Well, I'm going to die, so yes.
JP: We're all going . . .(MORE)
RUSSELL BRAND: Well, I'm going to die, so yes.
JP: We're all going . . .(MORE)
NYC's Giuliani: First outdoor chanting session outside of India
“On October 9, 1966, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and his followers sat beneath this tree and held the first outdoor chanting session outside of India. Participants chanted for . . .(more)
THE HARE KRISHNA BLOG: Manifestation of Dharma in the Human Being
THE HARE KRISHNA BLOG: Manifestation of Dharma in the Human Being: "The word dharma translated into English as religion is not perfect. The exact meaning of dharma is characteristic. The living entity is con..."
Monday, October 11, 2010
Democracy in China? Democracy Is No Solution At All!
By Gadadhara das
The net is slightly buzzing on the push for Chinese Democracy with Liu Xiaobo winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times sent his congratulations on his blog, along with numerous other band wagoners. But is Democracy a real solution to China's problems? In fact, lets question; is Democracy the solution to the worlds problems? Is Democracy the solution to any problems at all?
Considered to be the pillar of democracy, the United States stands as the fifth world country with the most recent murders, thats 16,204.
How about fraud? 371,800
Drug offenses in the US? 1,724,800.
How many people in the US smoke pot? According to answers.com its 47 percent. Thats roughly 150 million people. And how may people voted in the 2008 election? Fifty-four percent of the population of 308 million
What about our leaders? What about the political offices that are supposed to represent us? If we had 100 people in a room, would they have enough fingers and toes to count the illicit behavior these leaders bring to the table? Senator Mark Foley, Senator Larry Craig, Senator David Vitter, Governor Rod Blagojevich just to name a few out of the thousands?
But yet you do get what you voted for right? After all a good number of pot heads, drug offenders, fraudsters, pornographers, prostitutes, child rapists, pedophiles, and dead people and millions of other people with bad judgment and degraded behavior voted for Foley, Craig, Vitter, and Blago. Maybe we should ask, "what where you smoking?"
But this is all par for the coarse. Its already been written down. All of this corruption, degradation, perversion, depravity, viscousness, and animalistic culture. It is the age of Kali Yuga and according to the Vedic scriptures Kali Yuga is the age of quarrel and hypocrisy. This age last 432,000 years and the closer to the end of this cycle, it will get progressively worse. By the end man will be eating man.
In this age of Kali Yuga, a Democratic structure of government is a failure. Its been tried, true, and proven. Is the Kali Yuga man better than his animal friends? The animal eats, the animal sleeps, the animal has sex, and the animal fights. The same four needs are found in man; eating, sleeping, sex, and fighting. The man born in Kali Yuga is born in ignorance. His only knowledge is how to fulfill these four needs of the body. For him money is God. He works hard for his money and he is just like the hog who lies in a filthy place and works hard all day long in a constant struggle for existence. In the end the hog and the man both look forward to getting a more comfortable spot for sex. But man does have one difference that the animal is not capable of. He can inquire; who am I, where have I come from, and where am I going? But the common voter does not ask these questions. Then how can we have a functioning society when our leaders and our voters are
no better than hogs? The hog voters have elected their hog representatives to rule over them, so who is to blame?
The Vedas are eternal bodies of knowledge and they are the blue prints for living in harmony and peace this age of Kali Yuga. For those men who inquire; who am I, where have I come from, and where am I going? Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita Na tu evaham Na tu jasam..., "Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor any of these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.")BG.2.12) In other words man is eternal. And again in the Bhagavad-gita Krishna says, "Whatever state of being one remembers at the time of death, he will attain that state he will attain without fail" (BG.8.6)
The Kali Yuga man is entrapped by the illusion that he can be happy by lording it over the material world. Everyone thinks that "I am the lord of all that I survey." But this wild choose chase is futile and man finds himself drawn by the uncontrollable horses of his senses. He is bound by Nature's laws. He finds that he must be born, must get old, must become diseased, and must die. And if he does not inquire, then he will be born again and go through this cycle called Samsara; "birth, old age, disease, and death." And again; birth, disease, old age, and death.
Every human being wants happiness and peace. But democracy or any other method of Government can not bring happiness or peace. Those who gave the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo, have been cheated and Liu Xiaobo has been cheated. The real peace formula is stated by Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita, "bhoktāraṁ yajña-tapasāṁ sarva-loka-maheśvaram..." "The sages, knowing Me as the ultimate purpose of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attain peace from the pangs of material miseries." The Lord is the master of the material laws of Nature and man is bound by these laws. Man can not avoid these laws. The Lord is the predominator of everything. Unless one comes to this basic understanding, there can never be peace in the world, whether it be individually or collectively. As long as one is in contact with matter, he must work according to his necessities.
But one who is in Krishna Consciousness or God Consciousness, he knows that he is eternal and works according to his eternal spiritual life. As he advances in Krishna Consciousness, he becomes less and less bound by these laws and he is able to control his senses which would otherwise lead him to a spiritual death: samsara: birth, disease, old age, and death, again and again and again! The fallible hogs promoting the dead end in democracy can give out Nobel Peace Prizes, but this will not save them from the four miseries of birth, disease, old age and death!
Every Man Must Die!
Every Man Must Die! by Gadadhara das

The following comment was left to this video:
@SIGN666:"When 15 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos was murdered by Greek police in 2008, the people wasted no time in taking to the streets and fought running battle with police with molotov cocktails and stormed banks that are the culprit for the current financial crisis but you won't teach the community that. You'll just preach Christian ideology to try and damp down people's rage which just so happens to be the case every time people find the courage to vent out on the system. Religion is control!"
The Christians think they are Christian, the black man thinks he is black, the white man thinks he is white, the Jew thinks he's Jewish, the American thinks he's American, the Greek Man thinks he's Greek. But this is the biggest fraud in the entire history of human civilization. If man learned this simple fact that these designations of religion, country, occupation, sex are false designations and that MAN IS THE SPIRIT that runs the body, like a driver in a car runs the car that he is in, then all of man's problems would be solved. Because the entire New World Order is now running on this idea that citizens MUST identify with their body. The cheating Governments of the world depend on this principle in order to exploit the people, and the reason they are exploiting the people is because of this ONE FALSE PRINCIPLE: I AM THIS BODY. The cheating Government leaders think that they are Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Rich, Democrat, Communist, Republican, White, Black, Asian, Man, Woman, Gay, Straight, Powerful – but they are not. They are not their bodies; they are the spirit that runs their bodies.
The undeniable truth stares them in the face: THEY MUST FACE DEATH. Everyone in this civilization must face death. But for one who knows that HE IS NOT HIS BODY, then he knows that death is simply a change of dress and that he must be born again and again and again. After death than again he must be born in a new body. It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya...: "Just as a man changes his garments and throws away the old and useless ones, similarly at death the soul takes a new body and gives up the old and useless ones." This cycle is calledsamsara, or repeated birth and death. Every man and woman, whether rich or poor, Republican, Communist or Democrat, Asian, or American, Black or French, he must face four things: BIRTH, DISEASE, OLD AGE AND DEATH. These are four indisputable facts. No man in the history of the world has ever avoided these four things. Every man must have been born, every man must get diseased, every man must grow old and EVERY MAN MUST DIE.
The undeniable truth stares them in the face: THEY MUST FACE DEATH. Everyone in this civilization must face death. But for one who knows that HE IS NOT HIS BODY, then he knows that death is simply a change of dress and that he must be born again and again and again. After death than again he must be born in a new body. It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya...: "Just as a man changes his garments and throws away the old and useless ones, similarly at death the soul takes a new body and gives up the old and useless ones." This cycle is calledsamsara, or repeated birth and death. Every man and woman, whether rich or poor, Republican, Communist or Democrat, Asian, or American, Black or French, he must face four things: BIRTH, DISEASE, OLD AGE AND DEATH. These are four indisputable facts. No man in the history of the world has ever avoided these four things. Every man must have been born, every man must get diseased, every man must grow old and EVERY MAN MUST DIE.
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